Successful repair algorithms - sale of spare parts for carriages
The annual volume of freight carried by rail is growing. Railroad carriage parts are essential to keep the train running smoothly. For this reason, the demand for carriage parts is not falling.

To ensure high-quality functionality, it is important to supply from reliable manufacturers of carriage parts. This is primarily necessary for traffic safety. Carriage spare parts are classified according to the way they are produced.
These are 2 broad categories:

Cast parts

Machined parts
The main part for the work of the carriage is the wheelset. The degree of wear determines the safety of traffic on the way. For this reason, these details are the first to be paid attention to. In addition, important parts are the components of the braking system, including springs, pads, slides and other parts. Our company offers to take advantage of a favorable offer and purchase spare parts for repair activities. The supply of components from reliable partners helps to quickly and reliably carry out repairs so that your company always has a demand for customers.